Colors, shapes, sizes (Yellow and orange are colors that make people feel hungry. The color red is associated with emotion and passion). To learn more:
Our taste buds are only capable of perceiving sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness & umami. However, taste do not differentiate the unique aroma of each ingredient. Savouring & chewing food permits volatiles to be released into the nasal cavity so they can be detected.
Most of what you taste is perceived from smell. Between 75 and 95 % of what we think of as taste actually results from the stimulation of the olfactory receptors in the nose instead, that is why food is often tasteless when you have a nose block. We often smell food before we see them because aromatic compounds can travel to your nose at a distance, this is why you are often attracted to bakeries and fried chicken. To learn more:
Hearing & Touching
Chewing textures like crunchiness, sliminess, softness completes the food experience and increases satisfaction.