Diethyl Phthalate (DEP)
CAS No: 84-66-2
EC-No.: 201-550-6
Appearance : Clear liquid
Colour : Colourless
Odour : Faint odour
Diethyl phthalate is used through direct addition in cosmetic products and indirectly in fragrances. The material is listed in the inventory of ingredients employed as a solvent and vehicle in fragrance and cosmetic products and film former. It may also be used as an ‘alcohol denaturant’ – that is, an additive to products containing alcohol that gives it a foul smell, making it unfit to drink.
In cosmetics it is used in the preparations of oils, eye-shadows, perfumes, hair sprays, nail polish, bath soaps, after-shave lotions, and skin care preparations.
Storage Condition:
Store in a cool and dry place away from heat.